At work today we were all sure to have each other's phone numbers, email addresses, and any other kind of contact information we need - on the off chance that corporate closes our office due to inclement weather. This
never happens. I'm not even expecting it to happen. That is completely different than
wanting it to happen. Wanting to stay home cuddled up in bed, or on the couch reading my Dan Brown novel, or even cleaning. Whatever, I'd be home nonetheless. However, it's supposed to be the largest storm in 20 years...which living through 1991's ice storm, I find that hard to believe. Let's see if the rumors hold true.
Above are, what I think should be, the final shots for the lobby. The one of Cait's feet is just beautiful. Something about Pointe perfection... it's amazing, at least I, in my hard shoes, have a little bit of support of my own weight. It's not entirely on the tips of my toes and the arch of my feet. Sometimes I wish my parents had gotten us into Ballet as well as Irish Dancing... although, as a kid I'm not sure I had the attention span for barre work. Still, Cait and I keep pondering the idea of a combo Ballet/Irish class. Maybe we can actually do that now that I have free time! Or, maybe we'll wait until after the recital - stay tuned.
I was reading a bit about the riots on Cairo today... somehow that put the Irish National Anthem, "A Soldier's Song", in my head. We teach it to the kids to perform at St Patrick's Day, and well, to know! It's important to us to uphold the tradition of where the Irish culture came from as well as the culture of Irish Dance and it's evolutions.
Anyways, the pride and passion in the lyrics to me was similar to the pride and passion in the Egyptians faces as they riot for change for their own country. I hope that we can not only teach this for Ireland, but for America too!
Here's a video from last years St Patrick's Day
Here's to a snow day tomorrow.
stay warm. be cool.