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Monday, March 19, 2012

St Pat's hangover...

this weekend brought:
record breaking organization at our shows
record breaking weather (in the 70's, in MARCH???)
record breaking people at the parade... 

it was truly an insane couple of days.  i am thankful i took today for myself.  in a moment of despair last week, i looked my manager in the eyes and asked for today off.    it was probably not truly needed, but i felt that if i wasn't really rested and had to go into the end of the month my head would pop off! 

so, today i did some chores around my apartment, finally went to the dmv to figure out what went wrong with my vehicle registration renewal, grocery shopped, and relaxed...   i took a long walk down to highland park. this is where i snapped the above photos of a few blossoms that are also making an early appearance.  i hope we don't get a frost... that will definitely whip out any and all of these lovely daffodils  that are starting to bloom.   

either way it was the perfect day - the weather man forecasted thunderstorms, yet the sky stayed beautifully blue and cloud-less.   even now i sit with my windows open, birds chirping, trying to decide if i want to head to the store for some ice cream... :) 

hangover cured.  now, to start my week

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