Yahoo!!! I made it! Ok, if you haven't figured it out (not sure I should even confess this..) I cheated. I actually only made 28 outfits in 30 days. One reason is because March 16th was the Parade and I didn't wear anything but MGOS gear all day to promote my dance school. The second day was one where my weak soul needed a break! Either way this truly did make me more grateful for the clothes I have!
Lessons Learned:
1. Do not choose to limit your closet choices during a transition month. I really felt that 2 sweaters was NOT ENOUGH and most days were incredibly chilly. I couldn't even wear one of my skirts I had chosen.
2. Going a month without shopping isn't as hard as I thought. What did make it a little easier was the fact that a lot of my clothes aren't wearable yet and so I am able to slim down my spring budget to just a few trendy pieces. Don't worry, I already have my eye out for a few things that I must have!
3. Taking pictures of your outfits daily is an intense commitment. I also felt that some of my looks weren't really that creative or "blog worthy". However, with an outfit sometimes less is more..?!
4. Next time I will definitely chose better pizazz pieces. I gravitated towards my closet staples that I had chosen for the remix instead of trying to be creative with them plus the pizzazz pieces. A lot of that had to do with the weather conditions I was up against. Last March it was consistently in the 50-60s so going jacket-less was an option as where this year it just was not.
5. Wow I need my roots done. You can really tell with my hair wrapped up in le bun!